SAN-155 음식배달의 처녀를 속여 돈을 뜯어내려다 역습을 당한 미녀국 아내 아다치 유라

원래 제목: SAN-155 フードデリバリーの童貞君を騙して金を取るつもりが逆襲された美人局妻 安達ゆら
조회수 4941회
2023년 8월 3일

Yura and her husband conspire to get money from a young man who works as a food delivery service. The plan goes smoothly, and Yura makes the young virgin fall in love with her by giving her a hand job. However, the young man, alarmed that such a lucrative scheme is not quite right, secretly bugs her, exposing her plan. He takes revenge and successfully reverses his position.